Julia Osman

Julia Osman


  • War, Power, International Affairs


  • Associate Professor


  • France
  • Military History
  • Atlantic World




  • 275 Allen Hall

My research interests focus on the French soldier during the reign of Louis XIV, a time of centralization and institutionalization for the French army.  Using recent methods of uncovering those who are “voiceless” in history, I use officers campaign correspondence, military reform mémoires, and civilian writings on military violence to uncover the experiences and identities of the French “soldier”. This monograph-in-progress is tentatively titled, From JoliCoeur to SansMerci: The Contradicting Multitudes of the French Soldier, 1648-1748 

I am the former director of the Institute for the Humanities, at Mississippi State.


  • PhD, Early-Modern French History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2010
    • Dissertation: Dissertation: "The Citizen Army of Old Regime France." Adviser: Jay Smith
    • Committee: Christopher Browning, Dick Kohn, Lloyd Kramer, Wayne Lee.
    • Secondary Fields: Atlantic History, Military History, Modern European History
  • M.A., European History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2006
    • ​M.A. Thesis: "Citizen Warriors: French Perception of the American Military, 1775-1777.  Adviser: Jay Smith. 
  • B.A., History with Highest Honors, Cum Laude, College of William and Mary, 2004
    • Senior honors thesis: "Bridging the Gap: The French Military Linking the American and French Revolutions." Highest Honors. Adviser: Paul Mapp
  • Instructor, National Institute for American History and Democracy, Summer, 2010
    College of William and Mary 
    Led discussions with and graded work of advanced high school students operating at the college level .
  • Instructor, History Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Summer, 2009
    Created syllabus, chose readings, created assignments, grades, lectures, led discussion 
  • Tutor, University of North Carolina Writing Center, 2008-2009
    Met individually with students to provide assistance on papers and general writing skills, led workshops on different types of writing 
  • Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of North Carolina, 2004-2010
    Led discussions, graded papers, assisted with assignments and exams 
  • Student Teacher, AP and Regular U.S. History, Tabb High School, 2003-2004 York County, Virginia 
  • Book

  • Citizen Soldiers and the Key to the Bastille (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
  • “Guibert vs. Guibert: Competing Notions in the Essai général de tactique and the Défense du système de guerre moderne,” Society of Military History Journal 83:1(January 2019) : 43-65.

    Articles and Book Chapters

  • “Guibert vs. Guibert: Competing Notions in the Essai général de tactique and the Défense du système de guerre moderne,” Society of Military History Journal 83:1(January 2019) : 43-65.

  • “Dynamic Harmony: War and Culture in 18th-Century France and 21st-Century History,” in Cultures et identités combattantes en Europe de la guerre de Cent Ans à l’entre-deux-guerres, vol. 2 of La construction du militaire eds. Benjamin Deruelle and Arnaud Guinier, (Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2017).

  • “Cincinnatus Reborn: The George Washington Myth and French Renewal during the Old Regime,” French Historical Studies, 2015.

  • "Early Modern French Armies." In Oxford Bibliographies in Military History. Ed. Dennis Showalter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

  • "Pride, Prejudice, and Prestige: French officers in North American during the Seven Years' War," in The Seven Years' War as a Global Conflict: Essays and Interpretations, eds. Mark H. Danely and Patrick J. Speelman (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), forthcoming 2012.
  • "French / American Alliance" entry in Reporting the American Revolution, ed. Todd Andrick (Sourcebooks, 2012).
  • "A Tale of Two Tactics: Laclos's Novel Approach to Military Reform," Eighteenth Century Fiction 22:3 (Spring, 2010): 503-524.
  • "Ancient Warriors on Modern Soil: French Military Reform and American Military Images in 18th Century France," French History 22 (June, 2008): 175-196.
  • "Patriotism as Power: The Old Regime Foundation for Napoleon's Army," International Congress of Military History Conference Proceedings 2009 (Fall, 2010).

Review of Iris de Rode, François-Jean de Chastellux (1734-1788) Un soldat-philosophe dans le monde atlantique à l’époque des Lumières (Honoré Champion, 2022) Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, forthcoming.

Review of Julien Guinand, La guerre du roi aux portes de l'Italie 1515-1559 (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020) French Studies, October 2021.

Review of Revolutionary France’s War of Conquest in the Rhineland: Conquering the Natural Frontier, 1792-1797 by Jordan R. Hayworth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019) forthcoming in the AHA.

Review of The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon by Christy Pichichero.  H-France, April, 2019.

• Review of A Theater of Diplomacy: International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France by Ellen R. Welch.  H-Diplo, August, 2017.

• Review of St. Louis Rising: The French Regime of Louis St. Ange de Bellerive by Carl J. Ekberg and Sharon K. Person.  Journal of American History, 2016.

• Review of L’Honneur du Soldat: Ethique Martiale Et Discipline Guerrière Dans La France Des Lumières by Arnaud Guinier.  H-France, H-Net Reviews.  September, 2015.

• Review of Controlling Paris: Armed Forces and Counter-Revolution, 1789-1848 by Jonathan M. House.  H-War, H-Net Reviews. January, 2015.

• Review of Forging Napoleon's Grande Armee: Motivation, Military Culture, and Masculinity in the French Army, 1800-1808, by Michael J. Hughes. History: Review of New Books, (January, 2014).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Review of The Global Seven Years’ War 154-1763 by Daniel Baugh.  H-France Review (Spring, 2013)                                                                                                          

• “French / American Alliance” entry in Reporting the American Revolution, ed. Todd Andrick (Sourcebooks, 2012).                                                                                      

• Review of Aristocracy and its Enemies in the French Revolution by William Doyle.  History: Review of New Books  (Spring,2012)


  • “‘Words and Wounds’: Military Violence as Described in Civilian Pamphlets and Officer Letters during France’s First Revolution, 1648-1652”, Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Houston, TX                                                                                                                         March, 2023

    “Malades et Blessés:” Hospitalized Soldiers in 17th and 18th -century France", French Historical Studies / Western Society for French History combined Conference, Detroit, MI    April, 2023

    "Their Just Complaints”: How Soldiers Wielded Power in Old Regime France", Society for the Study of French History Conference, June 2021

    Roundtable presenter, "Publishing French and Francophone History in a Global Age", Joint Society for French Historical Studies Conference and Georges Rudé Seminar, July 2020

    “Pillaged and Burned; Praised and Pitied:  The Role of ‘Inhabitants’ in the Battles of the Fronde,” presented at The Western Society for French History in Portland, Maine, November 2018.

    “Make ‘em Laugh: Communicating Tragedy with Comedy during the Fronde,” to be presented at the Western Society for French History in Reno, Nevada, November 2017.

    “Writing War and Righting War: Texts and the Transition to Limited War in France, 1649-1759,” presented at the Society for the Study of French History Conference in Strathclyde, Scotland, June 2017.

    “Heroes and Poets: Constructing ‘Death’ in the Battle of Fontenoy and Constructing the Nation,” to be presented at the Society for French Historical Studies, Washington D.C., April 2017.

    “Does Continual Change mean Continuity?: The military Revolution and French officers,” presented at the Western Society for French History, Cedar Rapids, IA, November 2106.

    “Of Officers and Men:  Power Dynamics in the French army of the Old Regime”, presented at the Society for the Study of French History conference in Sussex, England, July 2016.

    “With a Man’s Valor”:  Amazons on the French battlefield and imagination, 1630-1700”, presented at the Society for French Historical Studies in Knoxville, TN, March 2016.

    “A Prize of Conquest?”:  Civilians, Officers, and soldiers and violence in old regime France”, presented at the Western Society for French History in Chicago, Il, November, 2015.

    "'War by the Book': Visions of Combat in 18th-Century French Literature", presented at the War and Culture Studies Conference in London, England, June 2015.

  • "Citizens vs. Conscripts: Guibert's competing arguments in the Essai and the Défense," presented at the Society for Military History Conference in Montgomery, Alabama, April 2014.
  • Bloody Books and Gory Gazettes: Violence and Imagination in 18th-Century French Reading Culture,” presented at the Western Society for French History in San Antonio, TX, November, 2014
  • From Kingpins to Outcasts: French Officers in the Early Revolution,” presented at the Society for French Historical Studies Conference in Quebec City, Canada, April 2014.
  • “Enemies to Allies: French texts and the making of American identity,” presented at the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference in Williamsburg, VA, March 2014.
  • “'This is Sparta!': French Construction of Masculinity and the American Army,” presented at the Consortium for Revolutionary Era Conference in Oxford, MS, February, 2014
  • "A Dream Deferred: The Citizen Army of France, 1760-1791," presented at the Society for the Study of French History Conference in Cardiff, Wales, 2013.
  • "Old Regime Illusions and Revolutionary Realities: Competing Views of Citizenship and Military Service, 1789-1792" presented at the Society for French Historical Studies Conference in Boston, MA, 2013. 
  • "Civil Confidence, Military Madness, and Fictional Foes: The French Army in the Early Revolution," presented at the Society for Military History Conference in New Orleans, LA, 2013. 
  • "Defense of La Defense: Guibert and his Duty to the Military Enlightenment," presented at the Western Society for French Studies Conference in Portland, Oregon, November, 2011. 
  • Co-Organizer, "Medieval Music to Contemporary Parks: The 2007-2008 Chateaubriand Workshop," Paris, April 2008.
  • "Washington in Paris: the Creation of a Republican Noble," to be presented at the French Historical Studies conference, Charleston, South Carolina, February 2011.
  • "Unwitting Sacrifice: The Noble Officer Corps and the rise of the French Soldier, 1760-1789," presented at the Society for Military History Annual Meeting, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, May 2010.
  • "The Arsenal of Revolution: France's Citizen Army 1787-1790," presented at "History of Military, War, and Society Triangle Seminar Series," Durham, North Carolina, March 2010.
  • "French Soldiers into French Citizens: New Ideas for an Old Army, 1760-1789," presented at "French Cultural Studies Seminar" in Raleigh, North Carolina, February 2010.
  • "La Dernire Goute de Mon Sang: The Sacred Duty of French Officers and their Rejection of Amerindian Allies," presented at "Contest for Continents: The Seven Years' War in Global Perspective," Fort Niagara, Niagara University, Brock University, October 2009.
  • "Honor, Zeal, and Defeat: French Military Attitudes towards the Fight for Canada, 1756-1759," presented at "1759 Revisited: The Conquest for Canada in Historical Perspective," London, England, September, 2009.
  • "The Citizen Army of Old Regime France," presented at the Triangle Institute for Security Studies "New Faces" Conference, September, 2009.
  • "Patriotism as Power: Old Regime Foundations for Napoleon's Army," presented at "The XXXV International Congress of Military History: Warfare in the Age of Napoleon," Porto, Portugal, September 2009.
  • "Citizen Soldiers: French Imagery of Americans in Arms during the Eighteenth Century," presented at the Revolutionary Consortium, Savannah, Georgia, February 2009. 
  • "Reviving Sparta: The Role of Masculinity in French Participation in the American Revolution," presented at the Graduate Student Workshop, "Gender, Experience and Memory, 18th-20th Centuries," May 2007.
  • "Citizen Warriors: French Perceptions of the American Military, 1775-1777," presented at the North Carolina Graduate Student Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, February 2006.

Invited Talks

  • “From Officer to Gentlemen: French Invention of George Washington and an American People,” presented at The Republics of France and the United States: 240 Years of Friendship conference, organized by Mount Vernon, presented in Paris, France September, 2019
  • “Playing with Fire: From American Revolutionaries to French Revolution,” presented at the Society for Cincinnati Library in Anderson House, Washington D.C.  June, 2019
  • "Entre L’Essai général de Tactique (1772) et la Défense du système de guerre moderne (1779) : deux visions du soldat par le comte de Guibert," presented as part of the Jour d’Etudes sur Guibert at l’Institut Historique Allemand in Paris, France,  January, 2019
  • “The Shot heard ‘round Europe: George Washington in the Seven Years’ War” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA., November, 2016
  • “18th Century Global Context” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA., August, 2015
  • American Nationality: A French Invention?” presented at The Marquis de Lafayette and the European Friends of the American Revolution conference in Mount Vernon, VA  June, 2015.
  • “Greatest Enemies to Greatest Allies: France and America in the War for Independence,” to be presented at the Annual Conference on the American Revolution,” in Williamsburg, VA., March 2015.
  • George Washington and France: The Bungler, the General, the Ally, and the Myth,” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA    July, 2014.
  • “The French-American alliance during the American Revolution,” presented as part of the George Washington’s Mount Vernon Teacher Workshop in Greenwood, MS., November, 2013.
  • "French involvement in the American Revolution," a series of four lectures prepared and delivered as resources for secondary school teachers and students through the Education program at the Society of the Cincinnati March, 2012
  • "In the Name of Honor: Officers of the French Army and their Participation in the American Revolution" presented at the Library for the Society of the Cincinnati. January, 2012
  • "Digitizing and Making Information Accessible for Arizona's 100th Birthday" presented at Arizona State University for the department of Public History April, 2011
  • Short-term Fellowship, Folger Institute, 2017
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 2016
  • Gilbert Chinard Grant, Institut Francais d' Amerique, 2012
  • HARP Grant, College of Arts & Sciences, Mississippi State University, 2011
  • Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Academic Libraries, 2010-2011
  • Tyree-Lamb Research Fellowship, Library of the Society of the Cincinnati, 2009
  • Bourse Chateaubriand (French Embassy Grant), 2007
  • Faherty Military History grant, 2007
  • United Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarship, 2005, 2006
  • University of North Carolina Department of History Graduate Assistantship, 2004-2010
  • Ellen Monk Krattiger Award in History, College of William and Mary, 2004 
  • Martin Jurrow Scholarship, Theater Department, College of William and Mary, 2004
  • HI 1163 World History before 1500
  • HI 1173 World History From 1500
  • HI 1213 Early Western World
  • HI 4363 Renaissance and Reformation
  • HI 4673 Nineteenth-Century Europe
  • HI 4773 Modern France
  • HI 4990 Early Modern France
  • Hi 8803 History of the French Revolution 
  • HI 8803 History of Atlantic Warfare
  • HI 8853 Early Modern Europe
  • HI 8893 International Security and Internal Safety Seminar
  • Instructor, William and Mary, History 216: From the Founding of Jamestown through the American Revolution, Summer, 2010
  • Instructor, UNC, History 151: Western Civilization, Summer, 2009
  • Teaching Assistant, UNC, History 369: Warfare and American Society, Spring 2008
  • History 151: Western Civilization, Fall, 2008
  • History 490: Global History of Warfare, Spring, 2007
  • History 151: Western Civilization, Fall, 2006
  • History 19: World since 1945, Spring, 2006
  • History 11: Western Civilization, Fall, 2005 
  • History 10: Native American History, Spring, 2005
  • History 55: Women in Medieval Europe, Fall, 2004
  • Invited Instructor, French 450, College of William and Mary, November 19, 2009 Discussion: Laclos s Les Liaisons 
  • Manuscript reviewer for Cornell University Press 2022

  • Grant reviewer for National Endowment for the Humanities 2020

    Textbook reviewer for Oxford University Press 2018, 2020

    Co-Editor, Proceedings for the Western Society of French History Conference 2015-present

    Article Reviewer for Society for Military History 2021

    Article Reviewer for French Historical Studies  2020, -22,-23

    Article Reviewer for Journal of Social History  2018

    Article Reviewer for War in History 2017

    Article Reviewer for Eighteenth-Century Thought  2016

    Article Reviewer for Eighteenth-Century Fiction 2016

    Textbook Reviewer, Duiker/Spielvogel’s World History, Cengage Learning 2016

    Textbook Reviewer, The West in Question: Continuity and Change, by Dr. Eric Kurlander and Dr. Kimberly Reiter, Oxford University Press    2015

  • Co-Organizer, French Film Festival, Mississippi State University, 2014-15

  • Social Studies Consultant and Presenter for Science and Social Studies Integration with Literacy and Technology for Teachers 2014
  • Member, Program Committee for the Society of Military History annual conference 2013
  • Mentor, Day One Leadership Community, Mississippi State University, 2012, 2013
  • Member, Institute for the Humanities Advisory Board, Mississippi State, 2012-2014 
  • Co-Organizer, Symposium for History Undergraduate Research Conference. Mississippi State, 2012-2014
  • Rapporteur, Triangle French Studies Seminar, National Humanities Center, 2009-2010
  • Graduate Representative, Steering Committee for History of Military, War, and Society Seminar Series, 2009-2010
  • Committee on Teaching, UNC-CH, 2006-2007
  • History Department Senator to the Graduate Professional Student Federation, 2005-2006
  • UNC-CH, Student Representative, Search Committees for History and French, College of William and Mary, 2004
  • Member, French Historical Society
  • Member, Society of Military History
  • Member, Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture 
  • Member, American Historical Association

Julia Osman


 Department of History, Mississippi State University, Mailbox H, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Phone: (662) 325-3604 / Fax: (662) 325-1139 / Home Phone: (662) 268-8088


Director, Institute for the Humanities, Mississippi State University                         2018-Present

Associate Professor, French History, Mississippi State University                           2017-Present

Assistant Professor, French History, Mississippi State University                            2011-2017


PhD, Early-Modern French History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill                  2010

Dissertation: “The Citizen Army of Old Regime France.”  Advisor: Jay Smith.

Committee:  Christopher Browning, Dick Kohn, Lloyd Kramer, Wayne Lee.

Secondary Fields: Atlantic History, Military History, Modern European History

Current Project: 

From JoliCoeur to SansMerci: The Contradicting Multitudes of the French Soldier, 1648-1748  This book-length project focuses on the “French soldier” during the reign of Louis XIV, a time of centralization and institutionalization for the French army.  Using recent methods of uncovering those who are “voiceless” in history, I use officers campaign correspondence, military reform mémoires, and civilian writings on military violence to uncover the experiences and identities of the many men who fought Louis XIV’s wars.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Citizen Soldiers and the Key to the Bastille (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).  Released in paperback, 2017.

“Guibert vs. Guibert: Competing Notions in the Essai général de tactique and the Défense du système de guerre moderne,” Society of Military History Journal 83:1(January 2019) : 43-65.

“Dynamic Harmony: War and Culture in 18th-Century France and 21st-Century History,” in Cultures et identités combattantes en Europe de la guerre de Cent Ans à l’entre-deux-guerres, vol. 2 of La construction du militaire eds. Benjamin Deruelle and Arnaud Guinier, (Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2017).

“Cincinnatus Reborn: The George Washington Myth and French Renewal during the Old Regime,” French Historical Studies 38:3 (August 2015): 421-446.

“Early Modern French Armies.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Military History. Ed. Dennis Showalter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

“Pride, Prejudice, and Prestige: French officers in North American during the Seven Years’ War,” in The Seven Years’ War as a Global Conflict: Essays and Interpretations, eds. Mark H. Danely and Patrick J. Speelman (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 2012.

“A Tale of Two Tactics: Laclos’s Novel Approach to Military Reform,” Eighteenth Century Fiction 22:3 (Spring, 2010): 503-524.

“Patriotism as Power: The Old Regime Foundation for Napoleon’s Army,” International Congress of Military History Conference Proceedings 2009 (Fall, 2010).

“Ancient Warriors on Modern Soil:  French Military Reform and American Military Images in 18th Century France,” French History 22 (June, 2008): 175-196.

Book reviews and Encyclopedia Entries

Review of Iris de Rode, François-Jean de Chastellux (1734-1788) Un soldat-philosophe dans le monde atlantique à l’époque des Lumières (Honoré Champion, 2022) Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, forthcoming.

Review of Julien Guinand, La guerre du roi aux portes de l'Italie 1515-1559 (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020) French Studies, October 2021.

Review of Revolutionary France’s War of Conquest in the Rhineland: Conquering the Natural Frontier, 1792-1797 by Jordan R. Hayworth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019) forthcoming in the AHA.

Review of The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon by Christy Pichichero.  H-France, April, 2019.

Review of A Theater of Diplomacy: International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France by Ellen R. Welch.  H-Diplo, August, 2017.

Review of St. Louis Rising: The French Regime of Louis St. Ange de Bellerive by Carl J. Ekberg and Sharon K. Person.  Journal of American History, 2016.

Review of L’Honneur du Soldat: Ethique Martiale Et Discipline Guerrière Dans La France Des Lumières by Arnaud Guinier.  H-France, H-Net Reviews.  September, 2015.

Review of Controlling Paris: Armed Forces and Counter-Revolution, 1789-1848 by Jonathan M. House.  H-War, H-Net Reviews. January, 2015.

Review of Forging Napoleon's Grande Armée: Motivation, Military Culture, and Masculinity in the French Army, 1800-1808, by Michael J. Hughes.  History: Review of New Books, (January, 2014).

Review of The Global Seven Years’ War 154-1763 by Daniel Baugh.  H-France, H-Net Reviews. Spring, 2013.

Review of Aristocracy and its Enemies in the French Revolution by William Doyle.  History: Review of New Books  (Spring, 2010).

“French / American Alliance” entry in Reporting the American Revolution, ed. Todd Andrick (Sourcebooks, 2012).

Selected Awards and Grants

Mississippi Arts Council Grant 2018, 2020

Mississippi Humanities Council Grant 2018-2022

Dean’s Eminent Scholar, Mississippi State University 2017

Short-term Fellowship, Folger Institute 2017

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend 2016

Alley, K., Slater, L., Miller, N., Osman, J. (2015). SSILTT 2015: Science and Social Studies Integration with Literacy and Technology for Teachers. Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning. No Child Left Behind: Improving Teacher Quality 2014, 2015, 2016 Program; awarded $90,000.00.                                                          2014-2016

HARP Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi State University  2015

Gilbert Chinard Grant, Institut Français d’Amérique 2012

HARP Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi State University 2011

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Academic Libraries 2010-2011

Tyree-Lamb Research Fellowship, Library of the Society of the Cincinnati 2009

Bourse Chateaubriand (French Embassy Grant) 2007

Faherty Military History grant 2007


Invited Talks

“From Status Seekers to Citizen Warriors: the French Army in the Seven Years’ War” 7 Years War Symposium, Fort Ligonier April 2023

"Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: The Treasures of World History" Presented at Teaching with Primary Sources Mississippi Event Virtual conference October 2020

Presenter representing the Western Society for French History Journal on "Roundtable: Publishing French and Francophone History in a Global Age", presented at French Historical Studies "France and Beyond: Virtual Auckland International Conference July, 2020

“From Officer to Gentlemen: French Invention of George Washington and an American People,” presented at The Republics of France and the United States: 240 Years of Friendship conference, organized by Mount Vernon, presented in Paris, France September, 2019

“Playing with Fire: From American Revolutionaries to French Revolution,” presented at the Society for Cincinnati Library in Anderson House, Washington D.C. June, 2019

« Entre L’Essai général de Tactique (1772) et la Défense du système de guerre moderne (1779) : deux visions du soldat par le comte de Guibert » presented as part of the Jour d’Etudes sur Guibert at l’Institut Historique Allemand in Paris, France January, 2019

“The Shot heard ‘round Europe: George Washington in the Seven Years’ War” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA November, 2016

“18th Century Global Context” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA August, 2015

“American Nationality: A French Invention?” presented at The Marquis de Lafayette and the European Friends of the American Revolution conference in Mount Vernon, VA June, 2015

“Greatest Enemies to Greatest Allies: France and America in the War for Independence,” presented at the Annual Conference on the American Revolution in Williamsburg, VA March, 2015

“Rescuing Sparta:  The American Revolution and French Military Revival,” presented at The George Washington Symposium at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA February 2015

“George Washington and France: The Bungler, the General, the Ally, and the Myth,” presented as part of the George Washington Teaching Institute in Mount Vernon, VA July, 2014

“The French-American alliance during the American Revolution,” presented as part of the George Washington’s Mount Vernon Teacher Workshop in Greenwood, MS November, 2013

"French involvement in the American Revolution," a series of four lectures prepared and delivered as resources for secondary school teachers and students through the Education program at the Society of the Cincinnati in Washington D.C. March, 2012

“In the Name of Honor:  Officers of the French Army and their Participation in the American Revolution” presented at the Library for the Society of the Cincinnati in Washington, D.C. January, 2012

“Digitizing and Making Information Accessible for Arizona’s 100th Birthday” presented at Arizona State University for the department of Public History April, 2011


Selected Conference Papers:


“‘Words and Wounds’: Military Violence as Described in Civilian Pamphlets and Officer Letters during France’s First Revolution, 1648-1652”, Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Houston, TX March, 2023

“Malades et Blessés:” Hospitalized Soldiers in 17th and 18th -century France", French Historical Studies / Western Society for French History combined Conference, Detroit, MI April, 2023

"Their Just Complaints”: How Soldiers Wielded Power in Old Regime France", Society for the Study of French History Conference, June 2021

Roundtable presenter, "Publishing French and Francophone History in a Global Age", Joint Society for French Historical Studies Conference and Georges Rudé Seminar, July 2020

“Pillaged and Burned; Praised and Pitied:  The Role of ‘Inhabitants’ in the Battles of the Fronde,” presented at The Western Society for French History in Portland, Maine, November 2018.

“Make ‘em Laugh: Communicating Tragedy with Comedy during the Fronde,” to be presented at the Western Society for French History in Reno, Nevada, November 2017.

“Writing War and Righting War: Texts and the Transition to Limited War in France, 1649-1759,” presented at the Society for the Study of French History Conference in Strathclyde, Scotland, June 2017.

“Heroes and Poets: Constructing ‘Death’ in the Battle of Fontenoy and Constructing the Nation,” to be presented at the Society for French Historical Studies, Washington D.C., April 2017.

“Does Continual Change mean Continuity?: The military Revolution and French officers,” presented at the Western Society for French History, Cedar Rapids, IA, November 2106.

“Of Officers and Men:  Power Dynamics in the French army of the Old Regime”, presented at the Society for the Study of French History conference in Sussex, England, July 2016.

“With a Man’s Valor”:  Amazons on the French battlefield and imagination, 1630-1700”, presented at the Society for French Historical Studies in Knoxville, TN, March 2016.

“A Prize of Conquest?”:  Civilians, Officers, and soldiers and violence in old regime France”, presented at the Western Society for French History in Chicago, Il, November, 2015.

“‘War by the Book’: Visions of Combat in 18th-Century French Literature”, presented at the War and Culture Studies Conference in London, England, June 2015.

“Citizens vs. Conscripts: Guibert’s competing arguments in the Essai and the Défense,” presented at the Society for Military History Conference in Montgomery, Alabama, April 2015.

“Bloody Books and Gory Gazettes: Violence and Imagination in 18th-Century French Reading Culture,” presented at the Western Society for French History in San Antonio, TX, November 2014.

“From Kingpins to Outcasts: French officers in the Early Revolution,” presented at the Society for French Historical Studies Conference in Montreal, Canada, April 2014.

“Enemies to Allies: French texts and the making of American identity,” presented at the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference in Williamsburg, VA, March 2014

“'This is Sparta!': French Construction of Masculinity and the American Army,” presented at the Consortium for Revolutionary Era Conference in Oxford, MS, February 2014.

 “A Dream Deferred: The Citizen Army of France, 1760-1791,” presented at the Society for the Study of French History Conference in Cardiff, Wales, 2013.

“Old Regime Illusions and Revolutionary Realities: Competing Views of Citizenship and Military Service, 1789-1792” presented at the Society for French Historical Studies Conference in Boston, MA, 2013.

“Civil Confidence, Military Madness, and Fictional Foes: The French Army in the Early Revolution,” presented at the Society for Military History Conference in New Orleans, LA, 2013.

“Defense of La Défense: Guibert and his Duty to the Military Enlightenment,” presented at the Western Society for French Studies Conference in Portland, Oregon, November, 2011.

“Washington in Paris: the Creation of a Republican Noble,” presented at the French Historical Studies conference, Charleston, South Carolina, February 2011.

“Unwitting Sacrifice: The Noble Officer Corps and the rise of the French Soldier, 1760-1789,” presented at the Society for Military History Annual Meeting, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, May 2010.

 “La Dernière Goute de Mon Sang: The Sacred Duty of French Officers and their Rejection of Amerindian Allies,” presented at “Contest for Continents: The Seven Years’ War in Global Perspective,” Fort Niagara, Niagara University, Brock University, October 2009.

“Honor, Zeal, and Defeat: French Military Attitudes towards the Fight for Canada, 1756-1759,” presented at “1759 Revisited: The Conquest for Canada in Historical Perspective,” London, England, September, 2009.

“The Citizen Army of Old Regime France,” presented at the Triangle Institute for Security Studies “New Faces” Conference, September, 2009.

“Patriotism as Power: Old Regime Foundations for Napoleon’s Army,” presented at “The XXXV International Congress of Military History: Warfare in the Age of Napoleon,” Porto, Portugal, September 2009.


Selected Teaching Experience

  • Instructor, History Department, Mississippi State University 2011- Present
    • Courses Taught:

History 8893:  EPIC writing seminar

History 8803:  Europe before 1789

History 8803:  History of the French Revolution

History 8803:  History of Atlantic Warfare

History 4990:  Early Modern France

History 4673:  Europe 1789-1914

History 4773:  Modern France

History 4363:  Renaissance and Reformation

History 3903:  History Methods and Methodology

History 1213:  Early Western World

History 1164:  World History since 1500

History 1163:  World History to 1500



University Service

History Undergraduate Committee 2021-present

Chair, College Curriculum Committee 2019-2020

Director, Institute for the Humanities, Mississippi State University 2018-present

Reviewer for NEH Summer Stipend Pre-proposals, Mississippi State  2016, -17, -23

Grant Reviewer for the Henry Family Research Awards, Mississippi State 2016

Mentor, Day One Leadership Community, Mississippi State University 2012, 2013

Institute for the Humanities Advisory Board, Mississippi State 2012-2015

Co-Organizer, Community French film club 2014-2015

Co-Organizer, Symposium for History Undergraduate Research Conference 2012-2015 Mississippi State


Selected Academic Service and Professional Membership

Manuscript reviewer for Cornell University Press 2022

Grant reviewer for National Endowment for the Humanities 2020

Textbook reviewer for Oxford University Press 2018, 2020

Co-Editor, Proceedings for the Western Society of French History Conference 2015-present

Article Reviewer for Society for Military History  2021

Article Reviewer for French Historical Studies 2020, -22,-23

Article Reviewer for Journal of Social History 2018

Article Reviewer for War in History 2017

Article Reviewer for Eighteenth-Century Thought 2016

Article Reviewer for Eighteenth-Century Fiction 2016

Textbook Reviewer, Duiker/Spielvogel’s World History, Cengage Learning 2016

Textbook Reviewer, The West in Question: Continuity and Change, by Dr. Eric Kurlander and Dr. Kimberly Reiter, Oxford University Press 2015

Grant Reviewer for the National Archives and Records Administration 2014

Social Studies Consultant and Presenter for Science and Social Studies Integration with Literacy and Technology for Teachers 2014-2015

Program Committee for the Society of Military History annual Conference 2013

Member, French Historical Society                                                                          

Member, Western Society for French History

Member, Society of Military History                                                                        

Member, American Historical Association