Shu-Hui Wu
- War, Power, International Affairs
- Professor
- 18th Century Qing Political and Military History
- 19th and 20th Century Chinese and Taiwanese Intellectual History
- Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan, History of Ancient China
Ph.D.: Freie University of Berlin, Germany, December 1993
- Professor, Department of History, Mississippi State University, 2014
- Associate professor. Department of History, Mississippi State University. 2004- 2014.
- Undergraduate coordinator, 2005
- Robert Holland Faculty Senator, 2006-2009
- Assistant professor. Department of History, Mississippi State University. 1999-2004
- Assistant Professor of History, Columbus State University, 1996-1999
- Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford, University, California, 1998
Traditional Chinese culture and literature. Modern Chinese and Taiwanese intellectual history, Qing frontier history, Taiwanese history, Ancient Chinese History
Die Eroberung von Qinghai unter Berucksichtigung von Tibet und Khams 1717-1727 (German).(The Chinese Conquest of Qinghai with Reference to Tibet and Khams 1717-1727). Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. 365 p. & 5 maps. 1995. Received four reviewed articles. English Language Introduction.
Lien Heng (1878-1936): Taiwan's Search for Identity and Tradition. 480 p. Research Institute for Altaiic and Oriental Studies, Indiana University. 2005. For a review of my book, please click here
史记论析六章 Six Studies on the Historical Records Shiji. Guilin: Guangxi shifandaxue chubanshe 广西师范大学出版社. 2015.

Fan Ye's Book of Later Han. Vol. One: The Twenty-Eight Yuntai Generals of the Eastern Han. Leiden: Brill, 2023. With maps, plates, and illustrations. 605 pages.
- "The Imbalance of Virtue and Power in Qing Frontier Policy: The Turfan Campaign of 1731," Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes. Paris, 1996, pp. 241-264.
- "How the Qing Army Entered Tibet in 1728 after the Tibetan Civil War," Zentralasia-tische Studien, 26 (1996): 122-138. (Reviewed).
- "On Taiwanese Historical Poetry: Reflections on the Shimonoseki Treaty of 1895," Journal of Asian History, 32/2 (1998): 1-26.
- "On Chinese Sacrificial Orations Chi Wen," Monumenta Serica. 50 (2002): 1-33.
- "Lien Heng (1878-1936) and the General History of Taiwan," Journal of Third World Studies, 27 (2004): 17-58
- "Fighting for His Majesty I: Accretion of the Greater Shang (ca. 1200-1045 BC)" Journal of Chinese Military History 1 (2011): 25-61.
- "The Great Migration: Inception of the Zhou Identity," Studia Orientalia 111 (2011): 403-441.
- "Alliance-Building at the Dawn of Chinese Civilization" Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. 14, 3/4 (2012): 1-10
- "Debates and Decision-Making: The Battle of the Altai Mountains in AD 91,"in Peter Lorge (ed,) Debating War in Chinese History, (Leiden: Brill, 2012): 32-56.
- "史記中的中國人 – 兼駁近年來西方學者有關司馬遷民族思想的論述" 史學理論與史學史研究學刊 (in Chinese) Journal of Historiographical Theory and Historical Studies, 10 (2012): 155-179. Beijing, PR China
- "Fighting for His Majesty (II): The Shang Art of War" Journal of Chinese Military History, 2, 2 (2013): 89-126.
- 参彼己: 司马迁的史论之表现与内涵 – 以秦史为中心 (Mutual Appreciation: The Representation and Implications of Sima Qian’s Historiography with a focus on the history of the Qin)” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture. December 14-15, 2013, pp. 313-326.
- “On Shiji 史記 22, Table Ten: A Year-by-Year Table of Generals, Chancellors, and Prominent Officials Since the Founding of the Han 漢 Dynasty,” Journal of Chinese Studies, 59 (2014), pp. 121-164.
- The “Invisible Historians” in the First Four Standard Histories 前四史中的 “隐形史家”” 史學理論與史學史研究學刊 Journal of Historiographical Theory and Historical Studies, 15 (2016): 15-33. 16 (2017): 28-32.
- “On the Clan Relationship between Emperor Guangwu and the Gengshi Emperor and Its Historical Implications,” in Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 42 (2019), pp. 191-210.
Conference Papers
- "The Seventh Dalai Lama in Exile: 1729-1735," presented at the 40th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Provo, Utah on June 2-3, 1997.
- "Lien Heng (1878-1936) as a Poet, Historian and Revolutionary Journalist," presented at the 35th International Conference of Asian and North African Studies, Budapest, Hungary on July 7-12, 1997.
- "On Taiwanese Historical Poetry: Reflections on the Shimonoseki Treaty of 1895," presented at the 208th American Oriental Society, New Orleans, April 5th-8th, 1998.
- "New light on China-Taiwan-Conflict from a Historical Perspective," presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies, November 18th-21st, 1999, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- "Tai-wan tung-shih and Shih chi. A Comparative Study," presented at the 210th American Oriental Society, Portland, Oregon, March 12th-15th, 2000.
- "Lien Heng and His Journey in China, 1912-1914 presented at Center for Chinese Studies. Taipei, Taiwan, R.o.C. August 6, 2007.
- "Commentary and Criticism of Shiji in Late Imperial China, presented at 218th conference of the American Oriental Society in Chicago, 14-17 March 2008.
- "The Concept of Heaven (tian) in Shiji presented at17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) at Lund University, Sweden. 6-10 August 2008.
- "Changing Conceptions of Self-Identity and the "Other" in the Shiji." Presented at the AHA annual conference in San Diego on the January 9th, 2010.
- "The Inverted Text in the Shiji Chapter 22 Table Ten," presented at the 221st meeting of the American Oriental Society, Chicago, March 13th, 2011"
- "Perception of the "Foreign" in the Shiji, Hanshu, and Gongyang Ideology" to be presented at the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, March 31st, 2011.
- "Between War and Appeasement: Subdual Strategy of Han and Xiongnu," presented at Society for Military History 79th annual conference, Arlington 2012.
- "Alliance-Building at the Dawn of Chinese Civilization," presented at the Center for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary, Canada. August 1, 2012.
- “参彼己: 司马迁的另一种论史方式 – 以秦史为中心 (Mutual Appreciation: The Historiographical Representation of Sima Qian with a Focus on the History of the Qin State and Empire, 500-206 BC) University in Hong Kong, China. December 12-16, 2013.
- “The Ancient Qiang as Seen in Recently Unearthed Bamboo Manuscripts of Western Han China in the 1st B.C.” October 31 – November 2, 2013. The 7th Annual Conference on Cultural and Social Anthropology of East Asia. Ethnic Groups, Ethnicity, and Ethnic Policies in China. Plalachy University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Presentation “New Trends in Research on Qin and Han History in China, 2009-2013
with special reference to the study of bamboo strips.” November 18th, 2015. The Fairbank Center at Harvard University. - “Structure of the Commentaries in the Later Han History (Hou Hanshu) and Fan Ye’s Historiographical Expression,” paper presented at the 226th Conference of the American Oriental Society, March 2016 in Boston MA.
- “前四史中的隱形史家 (The ‘invisible historians’ of the first four Standard Histories)” paper to be presented at the 第七屆中國古文獻與傳統文化國際學術研討會 The Seventh Annual Conference for Ancient Chinese Texts and Traditional Culture, October 14, 2016, Hong Kong.
- Presentation “前四史史論中的感歎評語 (The emotive language in the commentaries of the first four Standard Histories)” at Beijing Normal University, Research Center for Ancient Texts and Historiography. May 9, 2016.
- Presentation “陳壽真的裁制有餘,文采不足吗?(Is Chen Shou truly excellent in the organization of historical resources, but insufficient in literary expression?)” at Beijing Normal University, Liyun Lecture Series 勵耘講座, May 11, 2016.
- Presentation “漢中國與羅馬早期史書 (The historical writings in Han China and Early Roman Empire)” at Beijing Normal University, Research Center for Ancient Texts and Historiography. May 13, 2016.
- Presentation “從史書看古代中國與羅馬史家的民族觀 (On the ethnography of ancient Chinese and Roman historians)” at Northwest University, Xi'an. Hou Wailu Lecture Series rewards 侯外盧講座. May 16, 2016.
- Presentation “三國志與後漢書重複的章卷: 以董卓傳為中心 (on the overlapping chapters in the Annals of the Three Kingdoms and History of the Later Han: with a focus on the Biography of Dong Zhuo)” at Huanan Normal University, Guangzhou, October 10, 2016.
- Recipient of a two-year research grant, 1997-1998 and1998-1999, from Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, VA. USA.
- Recipient of publication subsidies (2004) from Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation/ American Council of Learned Society.
- Recipient of Distinguished Leadership and Scholarship Awards. 2003 Association of Third World Studies, October 2003.
- Recipient of fellowship for distinguished scholars Center for Chinese Studies. Taipei Taiwan, R.o.C. summer 2007.
- Recipient of research grant from Office of the VP of Research. MSU, March 2006 and 2008.
- Recipient of the HARP fellowship. College of A&S. MSU. 2007.
- Recipient of the Quick Grant. ORED. MSU. August 2008.
Book Review.
Ancient Chinese Warfare. By Ralph Sawyer. N.Y.: Basic Books, 2011. Journal of Military History, 77, 1 (2013): 314-317.
Dubious Facts: The Evidence of Early Chinese Historiography. By Garret P. S. Olberding. New York: SUNY press, 2012. Monumenta Serica, 2014.
Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History. Edited by Kai Filipiak. NY: Routledge. Journal of Chinese Military History, 2015.
- East Asian Civilization To 1300
- East Asian Civilization Since 1300
- China Since 1800
- Japan Since 1600
- The Far East: The Mongol Empire
- Chinese Cultural History
- Chinese Military History
- The Silk Road.