Kymara Sneed First Scholars of the Earth Dissertation Award Recipient

Kymara Sneed First Scholars of the Earth Dissertation Award Recipient

Sometime ago, Nathan Drake, one of our recent graduates, got to thinking. How could he help PhD. Students in Agricultural, Rural and Environmental history (ARE) at Mississippi State. He talked with several of his fellow PhD recipients and these young scholars agreed to establish the Scholars Of The Earth Dissertation Award. The Scholars of the Earth prize will be awarded annually to a third or fourth year Mississippi State University ARE student who has successfully passed comprehensive exams and proposal defense.


While members of the ARE faculty will give out the annual prize, each donor will receive a copy of all the applications. These young scholars want to keep in touch with those walking their just a few short years ago. They want to stay abreast of the latest ARE work at Mississippi State Department of History.


The Scholars of the Earth donors include:


Karen Senaga. (2016) Pierce College

Owen Hyman (2018) University of Mississippi

Kelli Nelson. (2017) University of Tennessee-Chattanooga

Alyssa Warrick. (2017) National Parks Service

Nick Timmerman. (2017) Langston University

Aaron Thomas (2120) Lincoln Memorial University

Nathan Drake (2020) Mississippi State University


Details of the award and the application process will be forthcoming.